This bizarre, 19th century carcass seems to have synthesized the attributes of an aquatic mammal with those of a crustacean, resulting in one of the most unique marine animals ever to be witnessed by human eyes.

In September of 1883, a native to Adelaide, Australia, known only as Mr. Hoade, reported that he had found the carcass of an animal lying on the bank of Brungle Creek… a creature so unusual that — in his experience anyway — it defied any hope of rational explanation.

Unlike most of the cases chronicled here, this animal was neither serpentine, nor an amorphous GLOBSTER-like blob — In fact, the appearance of this beast was so bizarre that Charles Fort, in his book “Lo!,” which was published in 1931, claimed that the creature must have been from OUT OF THIS WORLD:

“Remains of a strange animal, teleported to this earth from Mars or the moon — very likely or not so likely — (were) found on a bank of a stream in Australia.”

Hoade described what he had discovered on Brungle Creek for an article which was printed in the Adelaide Observer on September 15, 1883. According to Hoade, the animal was approximately 30-feet long with no apparent head, an elephantine trunk and a curved appendage at the rear, which resembled the tail of a lobster. There have also been reports of this creature being covered with a coat of dark fur, but these have not been confirmed.

As outlandish as this combination of traits may seem, those who have delved into cryptozoological archives know that Hoade’s Monster is just one of many creatures which share these unique attributes. Far and away the most famous cousin to this seemingly headless, fur bearing, Crustacean-like aquatic mastodon, was washed up on a South African beach in 1922, where it was affectionately dubbed TRUNKO.

Other animals of this ilk include the QUEENSLAND CARCASS, as well as the quasi-legendary GLACIER ISLAND CARCASS of Alaska.